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Violence Against Women And Children

Women have been the target of vicious behavior throughout the history of the world due to their fictional muscular weakness which has no scientific facts to be proved right. the men always subject the women to physical abuse due to men's self-psychological and social abnormalities. Violence against women has many reasons if attention directed, Some of the major reasons found are following,

  1. Socio/Cultural
  2. Economical factors
  3. Psychological factors


basically, this narration connects the dots among the social and cultural influence of society on men which ultimately generated the tendencies of violence among them.

the family influence decides the future behavior of any person which could make him more violent and non-sensitive towards the opposite gender. These social values encourage violence against women and bound or socially pressure women to silently bear the violence. women from their teenage are trained to obey and bear any type of violent behavior from the men whether it is physical or non-physical. If Families or parents carefully, nurture the personality of children then the possibility of this factor will diminish where the chances of violence against women by the men just to satisfy his anger just because he hasn't learned that the practiced violence by him against the women is a bad and criminal act.

 Economical Factors

 Financial reasons are highly contributing to violence against women. the financial dependence of women in male-created the whole chain of dependence to meet basic needs of life. Women if went against the male partner then she would have to suffer a lot because of her dependence which was inherited to her by the socio/cultural legacy of society, if the culture had been supportive to women in their independent financial lifestyle then the violence or women suffering not have been as much big as it is today. the manipulation in the hand of men because of the inability to go on with her life has been a major obstacle behind the eradication of violence against women. financially empowered women would not be bound to suffer at the hand of an abusive or manipulative partner, financially independence would allow women to apart away if their partner is abusive physically or nonphysically. society needs to build an environment where women's empowerment is a key component.

Psychological Factors

women violence is deeply connected with the psychological condition of average men and women in our society. psychological disorders and non-treatment of them leads to the overall grave situation which we are facing today. the violent behavior among the men which leads them towards the physical violent behavior is the result of those disorders which are not considered as serious or completely ignored. violence against women reason are various and multiple, the psychological disorders are one of them.

Violence against women has many reasons and is surfaced because of various deficiencies in our society's functioning, the elimination of violence against the disadvantaged groups is linked with the way we find and erase those root causes of mutating the people who have tendencies to become violent. prevention of violence and its forms unfolding and targeting women should be the priority of the government.

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